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教学 & 学习中心232室

875周界博士. MS 2431



电子邮件: v和alcare@djlisak.com

我们的团队 Map


The mission of the CARE team is to provide care 和 concern for students, 可能处于困境的教职员工.

Have a question about a particular CARE report or how the V和alCARE process works? 我们可以帮忙! Check out our answers to some of the most commonly asked questions below or email us your question at v和alcare@djlisak.com.



The CARE team is a multidisciplinary team made up of Dean of Students, 负责学生事务的副院长, 情况下经理, 心理咨询和心理健康中心的代表, 居住生活代表, 民权和调查办公室的代表, 一位莫斯科警察局的代表, 校园安全.

The reporter's name is not a required field on the CARE Report Form so yes, you can remain anonymous. 然而, it can be very helpful for us to be able to follow up with you 和 ask questions to clarify the situation. It is our practice to not disclose who filed a report in meeting with the person of concern.

除了包含有关行为的详细信息之外, 对话, 或者旷工让你上报, you should typically should include the name(s) 和/or identifying information of the individual(s) involved, 任何相关文件, 截图, 照片, 等., 和 any contact information you may have (phone number, email, address, 等.). Most importantly, please provide as much detail as possible (context, past behaviors, quotes, 等.). 你能提供的任何东西都会有所帮助!

After a report is made a Case Manager will reach out to the student to offer support 和 campus 和 community resources. 这可能会根据关注的原因/领域而有所不同, but will generally result in a meeting to review resources 和 services.

V和alCARE is not a punitive process, 和 it is not noted on any academic records. V和alCARE is a way to connect members of the V和al family to services 和 resources to help them address the challenges of university life.  

我们鼓励你这样做. V和alCARE support is available to all currently enrolled part-time 和 full-time undergraduate, 非学位的追求, 还有研究生, 无论你是在学校上课还是在网上上课.

You can call the Dean of Students office at 208-885-6757 to schedule an appointment (Walk-ins are welcome as well). The Dean of Students office is located in the Idaho Student Union Building. 我们可以在事先通知的情况下为会议安排ADA的住宿, 如果你不在莫斯科,还可以安排电话会议.

案例管理人员不是保密资源. Information shared 和 gathered in V和alCARE sessions are protected by FERPA 和 treated with respect to privacy. 情况下经理 will report necessary information to appropriate authorities as required by law, including situations that pose a threat to self or others or where a minor may be in danger.

根据联邦法律,案件管理员是强制性的记者. 性侵犯的披露, 人际暴力, 性骚扰, 充满敌意的环境中, 和 acts of bias may require reporting to the 第九条 Coordinator 和 the Office of Civil Rights 和 Investigations.

也, 不时地, a Case Manager may consult on cases with other staff within the Dean of Students Office, 护理团队, 或者各种校园办公室. Information is discussed in terms of what is pertinent to the consultation, 并可能包括案件记录的披露.

非临床病例管理 和 咨询 are both vital components of support services. While they share similarities 和 can often feel similar, they have very distinct differences. Because these differences may appear subtle, it is important to define them.

非临床病例管理 primarily focuses on coordinating support 和 resources to meet the practical 和 tangible needs (academic, 住房, 金融, 医疗, 心理健康等等). 临床心理咨询 主要侧重于促进个人成长, 情绪健康,和 behavior change through therapeutic interventions 和 treatment planning.

情况下经理 assist students who face complex challenges that could affect their ability to succeed in an academic setting. 另外, case managers empower students to build 和 strengthen their support systems in the campus, 社区和学生的整体生活. 情况下经理 use assessments 和 intervention strategies to address students’ immediate needs 和 promote long-term student success. 辅导员 经常依赖于常规, ongoing sessions 和 use evidence-based therapeutic techniques to help students overcome challenges 和 improve an individual’s mental health. 另外, 咨询师通常拥有咨询方面的高级学位, 心理学, 社会工作或相关领域, 并持有州和/或国家执照. 这建立了明确的道德准则, 法律要求和专业界限考虑. While case managers may hold advanced degrees 和 use a similar skill set, 它们的主要重点是资源协调和宣传.

Another important difference in 非临床病例管理 和 咨询 is 客户保密强制性的报告. Although non-clinical case managers adhere to ethical st和ards related to students’ privacy, 倡导和自治, 它们不是机密资源.

总之,两者 非临床病例管理咨询 involve helping individuals adjust to transitions 和 improve their lives, 他们的关注点不同, 范围, 专业背景, 期限和道德考虑. Case management primarily assists students through challenges 和 empowers students to navigate toward degree completion. 个案经理与学生建立支持关系, 处理实际需要和资源协调, while the counselor focuses on 情绪健康 和 behavior change through therapeutic interventions.

If you have more questions 和/or concerns regarding this topic, please email v和alcare@djlisak.com 了解更多信息.

The case manager provides goal-oriented 和 strengths-based assessment, intervention 和 coordination of services to students experiencing physical, 情感, 学业和/或心理困难. 案例管理器是一个连接器, 将个人与资源联系起来的人, provides referral options 和 ensures students have access to the care they need during their time at the university.


  • 心理健康
  • 住房
  • 财政和粮食不安全支持
  • 医疗提供者
  • 学术支持
  • 社区和社会联系
  • 难以适应大学生活
  • 和更多的...

  • 本科生
  • 研究生
  • 全日制学生
  • 兼职学生
  • 在线/远程学生
  • 所有伊利诺伊大学的校区

*Students are not required to be currently enrolled in classes to receive services. 正在休假的学生, who have taken a hardship withdrawal or are otherwise temporarily unenrolled in classes are eligible for case management support.



教学 & 学习中心232室

875周界博士. MS 2431



电子邮件: v和alcare@djlisak.com

我们的团队 Map